Other Services

There are many functions across all the industries that can be broken down into simple processes which can be outsourced consistently and effectively for a lower cost. This helps companies focus on their core competencies while leaving the non-core work to companies like Rishabh BPO.

Rishabh’s team has been delivering quality BPO services in various industries and functions since 2004. Rishabh’s team has delivered cost savings of over 30% in all of these processes while achieving quality levels close to six sigma as well. This can be extended to many other processes followed by enterprises globally.

Some activities that Rishabh BPO could assist in lowering costs while standardizing the approach include:


Whether through market surveys or vendor assessment surveys, Rishabh  BPO can help companies get valuable information needed to make strategic decisions. These surveys would follow a standard approach without any bias, leading to objective information that companies could use.

Forms processing’s (tax and others):

Rishabh’s team could also help set up short term projects involving large volumes of data to be processed over a short period of time. Within 2-3 weeks, Rishabh could ramp up a team of qualified processors, deliver the work based on a schedule, ensure quality checks and deliver the processed information to the satisfaction of the clients.

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis:

Given the advent of social media, companies and brands need to be aware of their reputation online as word-of-mouth effects are accelerated through social networks. That is why monitoring and analyzing yours as well as your competition’s online conversations are very important. Rishabh BPO can enable you to follow these conversations and alert you when things aren’t looking good. That way companies and brands could salvage their image especially amongst their valuable customers and influencers leading to future success online as well as offline.

Bank on our experience in multiple industries to help you with your business processes. Our team can work according to your delivery needs to provide the right support for your business, be it Tax Forms Processing or Social Media Monitoring and Analysis, talk to us to understand how we can help you. Call us on 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) or Contact us now.