Why Rishabh BPO?

Rishabh BPO is the right choice for companies looking to outsource their business processes to lower their costs, eventually resulting in a transformation of the way the company works. The general benefits of BPO are well known in the industry today. They are:

  • Cost savings of 40-60%: This is mainly because of lower costs of labour as well as resources.
  • Process improvements of 10-20%: This is because BPO providers generally have experience in the processes working with other clients and can thus help further improve these processes based on best practices.

Over and above these benefits, clients of Rishabh BPO further experience the following benefits:

  • Long term approach of engaging with the customers: This means that Rishabh BPO will focus on getting value for their customers by investing their own resources in the short-term so that the clients experience the value of working with Rishabh BPO over the entire engagement.
  • Flexible and innovative costing models: One of the main reasons why Rishabh BPO is popular with its clients is because of the flexibility it shows in engaging with its clients. This makes sure that the end result is a win-win for the client and for Rishabh BPO.
  • One-stop-shop: By leveraging its other services such as software development, Rishabh can become a one stop shop for their clients across various services and business areas, lowering the management overhead costs for the clients and getting a partner that propels their success.
  • Six sigma quality at small company prices: Rishabh BPO has, time and again, demonstrated that it can deliver close to six-sigma quality at costs that are affordable across small to mid-sized clients.
  • Security of data: Being a ISO27001 company, Rishabh takes its data security seriously and ensures that the right access policies are in place so that clients’ data is secure and viewed only by authorized personnel.