20 June 2013
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Flexible Staffing Strategy Part 3: Balance Manpower and Dynamic Workload

Many factors affect the implementation of flexible staffing strategy, it is essential to balance your workforce and dynamic workload, in order to implement your flexible staffing strategy successfully. As we discussed in our previous posts, managing the workforce and understanding your dynamic workload are the first two steps that you need to take. And here […]

19 June 2013
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Flexible Staffing Strategy Part 2: Understand the Dynamic Workload

Flexible staffing strategy can be implemented successfully by understanding the different patterns and variations of your workload, a point that we will be discussing in this post. In our previous post, we discussed the first step – understanding the workforce that will help maximize the benefits of flexible staffing. Understand the dynamic workload Ups and […]

18 June 2013
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Flexible Staffing Strategy Part 1: Understand the Current Workforce

Flexible staffing is a concept adopted by many organizations, in which they hire contingent workers only after analyzing their dynamic business workload. The supplement to their permanent workers implemented, strategically helps maximize their profits and productivity. This concept was first recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1999. In this report, they compared the […]