4 September 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Payroll Outsourcing Best Practices – 2: Steps to Take While Outsourcing Payroll

Transition of payroll processes to a third party vendor is an important phase of outsourcing. There are many things you need to take care of during the transition process and your outsourcing partner may even act as a payroll outsourcing guide. In our previous article we discussed about steps to take before outsourcing payroll as […]

2 September 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Payroll Outsourcing Best Practices – 1: Steps to Take Before Outsourcing Payroll

Payroll outsourcing scope is great for businesses, especially when the main focus is growth of the business. However, before you opt for payroll outsourcing, there are a few points you need to consider. Payroll process is one of the most outsourced service and is becoming a mature industry in itself. There are a lot of […]