23 July 2013
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Things To Expect From Professional Staffing Agencies

A professional staffing agency is an organization that is said to match employees to employers. Hiring the right candidate is essential for every organization, and this often proves to be toughest of the tasks. Staffing agencies can be of great help where recruitment is concerned. Generally, when you open a position for recruitment, numerous resumes […]

22 July 2013
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Myths About Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment process outsourcing, just like many other things is surrounded with myths and misconceptions. Companies often are reluctant in adopting RPO services because of these myths. Busted here are a few recruitment process outsourcing myths that are prevalent amongst organizations: Myth 1: There is loss of control with RPO Services By opting for RPO services, […]

18 July 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Impact of HR Outsourcing on Performance of SMBs

The impact of HR outsourcing on SMB’s can be greatly positive, allowing them to focus on their core business functions, instead of HR functions that can be better handled by a third party vendor. Human resources outsourcing (HRO) is a strategy that many small and medium businesses (SMBs) are adopting today. The first and foremost […]

10 July 2013
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Significant RPO Trends in 2013

Recruitment process outsourcing has been through a rough patch in the previous years, especially from 2011 through most of 2012. However, the year 2013 is predicted to have better prospective for RPO companies. Discussed in this article are a few trends that will help us understand what’s in store for the RPO industry in the […]

9 July 2013
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Social Media Dominates 2015: Recruiting Channels Survey Results

The recruitment process has evolved dramatically over time and various channels are being used for sourcing the right candidate. Recruiting channels, which was limited to employee referrals and job boards have become much broader with the advent of social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. However, what is important to know is whether these new […]

9 July 2013
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RPO Process Part 3: Challenges and Solutions

The RPO solutions that we talked about in our previous post generally begin with pre-determined objectives set by the enterprise. These solutions help resolve certain challenges and also improve efficiencies in dealing with these challenges. In this article, we will discuss some of the common issues faced by companies and how recruitment process outsourcing can […]

3 July 2013
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RPO Process Part 2: How RPO Works

In our previous post, we started with understanding what RPO or recruitment process outsourcing is, reasons why companies opt for RPO solution and the three levels of RPO services provided. We now continue with the understanding of how the RPO process works. A company that provides level 3 RPO services or RPO 3.0 carries out […]