13 January 2014
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Professional Resume Sourcing Services for Quick Talent Acquisition

One of the most time consuming and exasperating parts of the hiring process is resource sourcing and mining. You may scour hundreds of resumes a day only to realize you haven’t zeroed in on a single candidate. This is where resume sourcing services come in.

Resume sourcing services are a part of recruitment process outsourcing. Some companies choose these services independently instead of outsourcing the entire recruitment process. Let us look at these services in detail here.

Resume Sourcing Services

What is resume sourcing?

Resume sourcing entails finding active and passive candidates from a resource pool through various methods. Usually resume mining or sourcing is considered to be an easy and cost-effective method to find talent as you don’t have to leave the premises to find talent. However, it is also one of the most time-consuming process as there are practically millions of resumes to sift through at times.

Some of the methods of resume mining include:

  • Database sourcing
  • Boolean sourcing
  • Job board resume sourcing for active candidates
  • Internet resume sourcing for passive candidates
  • Social media resume sourcing
  • Though simple to look at, most HR executives diligently spend days on end looking for potential candidates and are eventually frustrated by results. Recruitment experts, who have expertise and experience in this, are able to reduce the turnaround time with the help of their resume mining knowledge, Boolean search string technology and other tricks and tips of the job.

    With networking and contacts, they are not only able to source active but also passive candidates. Patent applications, employee directory, membership directories, and alumni rosters – they have experience in using multiple sources to find out more information on the candidates.

    Benefits of resume mining services

    There are many benefits of resume mining, but the most important is that it helps save time and reduces frustration. Many companies face issues when the number of candidates applying for a job opening are just not enough to fill the position with. Going through the sea of resumes online can be a tiresome task that recruiters face every time they need to fill one vacancy.

    Various statistics suggest that about 80 to 90% of resumes recruiters come across through online portals aren’t useful for them and only 10-20% resumes actually fit the job description. From that merely 10-20%, the actual number of candidates that come for an interview and eventually selected is significantly less.

    Here are some other benefits of resume mining services that you cannot ignore:

  • Access to vast untapped resources
  • Use of an applicant tracking software and latest technologies to speed up the entire process
  • Quick turnaround time ensures an edge over your competitors
  • More efficient and cost-effective than having an in-house recruitment team or account in job boards
  • At Rishabh, we offer multiple services to help you hire the right candidate. Whether you are looking at complete outsourcing or wish to outsource only a part of recruitment, we can help you out. Call us on 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-7474224) or contact us here to get a free quote for custom services you require for your recruitment needs.

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