25 September 2013
HR Outsourcing
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HR Outsourcing in Crumbling Economy

HR outsourcing received great momentum during the recession. There were many factors that encouraged the HR outsourcing in the economic downtimes and that helped organizations get back on track. The recent recession brought about many changes in the way organizations worked. Outsourcing of many services became a prime method of getting their core business back […]

12 August 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Common HR Mistakes: How an HR Partner Can Help

Organizations, while handling HR functions often make mistakes that, at a later stage, may prove to be fatal for them. Outsourcing HR services can help avoid the common HR mistakes committed by organizations. Although HR functions are non-core to the business, one small mistake in its processes can prove to be a major setback for […]

23 May 2013
HR Outsourcing
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How Can Healthcare Firms Benefit by Outsourcing HR?

With the government making cuts in the healthcare budgets and healthcare becoming more and more expensive, it has become essential for healthcare firms to cut costs and save money. But the question is how? There are very few ways healthcare firms can save money – one of them is outsourcing HR. Let us find out […]

14 May 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Human Resources Outsourcing – Is it a Risk or Opportunity?

Human Resources outsourcing or HR outsourcing seems to be a growing trend these days. Everyone is either thinking of engaging in HR outsourcing services or has already hired a company for their human resources management activities. All kinds of businesses, especially small to medium businesses (SMBs), have realized how tedious it is to manage payroll, […]