25 August 2014
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Top Recruiters Serving Global Clients

We’re happy to showcase that one of our recruiters has been selected by TheLadders as #79 out of the top 200 recruiters at a corporation from more than 80,000 recruiters that were qualified.

Kudos to Ravi and the team.

We take pride in continuously delivering top quality staffing services to our global customers. Feel free to reach out to us on sales@rishabhbpo.com or 1-877-747-4224 to see how similar top recruiters could help your firm.

About TheLadders

TheLadders is a comprehensive job-matching service for career-driven professionals. Some of the awards they’ve won till date – Contact Center of the Year (Stevie Awards 2012), Contact Center of the Year Finalist (Stevie Awards 2011), Sales Department of the Year for Computer Services (Stevie Awards 2010), Best Employment Website (Webby Awards 2009).

About Rishabh Software

Rishabh Software, a CMMi level 3 company, provides software development, engineering services and business process outsourcing services like recruitment services. We, through our RPO arm, have helped fulfil the recruiting needs of fortune 500 companies.

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