16 May 2013
Voice Based
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Voice Based Services vs Non Voice Based Services

It all started with BPOs that provided voice based services for their offshore clients. The purpose of hiring BPO was achieving cost efficiency and handling work flow during peak volume. The BPO industry has matured and grown since then. It has brought under its wings multiple different service offerings that help businesses worldwide. These range from providing tech support to managing their finance, human resources and accounting services from an offshore location. Today offshore companies can choose BPOs for either voice based or non voice based services. Now the question is – is it better to go for voice based or non voice based services?

Voice based services

In the nineties, call centers offering voice based services mushroomed in several parts of the country. The industry also flourished in Philippines and other countries. People with minimum skills and training could get into BPOs offering voice call services, inbound call support and outbound telemarketing. However, soon the industry reached saturation level and it was difficult for companies to retain clients.

IT giants such as Infosys, Wipro and IBM swallowed many small companies providing call support services and telemarketing. However now the industry is seeing a revival. The scope of voice services has widened to encompass other technical support services. The future of voice call services is instant live chat, voice chat, and the use of other technological platforms.

Voice Based Services Vs Non Voice Based Services

Many e-commerce websites offer ‘Pay-for-Performance’ incentive on successful conversion of potential inquiries into customers. The future of voice-based BPO industry is growing brighter steadily as new technology platforms are introduced, process improvements are done and vertical capabilities are enhanced.

Non-voice based services

Many BPOs and KPOs transgressed towards non-voice based services such as human resources outsourcing, accounting outsourcing, IT outsourcing, etc. The market for non-voice services is wide and is expected to grow faster as it is still in the growth stage unlike voice-based services which has reached its pinnacle of growth. However, many services such as recruitment outsourcing, etc. are not complete without voice based services.

Conclusion: Voice + Non-voice services

Conclusion is that the future lies in integrated services as more and more customers are looking at the entire package rather than one or two services. This covers 360-degree business processes and offers an integrated solution. Today’s BPO has gone further than inbound call support and telemarketing. They are now covering many more niches and offering a value-added solution. Collaboration tools such as Enterprise Software and communication platforms are the best technologies to get there faster.

Companies are looking at virtual call centers, computer telephone integration, networked IVR (interactive voiced response), call routing, etc. So with the right use of technology and innovative platforms, companies can surely offer a 360-degree solution.

Looking at voice based services providers with integrated solutions customized just for your business? Call us now on 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) or fill in this contact form to have us call you.

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