26 November 2013
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Decide Recruitment Goals and Objectives Before Outsourcing

A company doesn’t run successfully just because of its product/services or its processes for that matter. A good company is one that has strong, resilient manpower and knows how to retain it.

From top talent managers to hourly workers, every person recruited must be loyal, hardworking and smart in order for the company to grow. This is why, it is very important for a company to decide its recruitment goals and objectives before they outsource staffing services. In this post, we will discuss how to form recruitment goals so that they are in sync with your business objective.

Recruitment Goals and Objectives

  1. Short-term and long-term considerations
  2. The first step towards successful recruitment outsourcing is determining short term as well as long term manpower requirements. Don’t underestimate or overestimate the requirement, just calculate an average number based on business expansion, the attrition rate and the current atmosphere in your company. Hiring too many people or being short-staffed, both can seriously affect your company’s annual balance sheet.

  3. Brain v/s brawn
  4. Every company has to have a good mixture of brains and brawn to keep up with competition. Calculate an average number, type and quality of employees you will need for successful recruitment in your company. This number can be reached by channelizing your business goals. For instance – do you wish to increase the product output or you wish to introduce a new product. For the first scenario, you need more muscle power and for the latter you need industry experts that can help you research the market and come up with a successful product.

  5. Unity in diversity

It is not only a legal or social requirement to have a diverse workforce but also beneficial to have diverse talent. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a company with more than 15 employees must hire diverse workforce. If your company is overlooking married woman between 25 to 35 years of age or people with disabilities, you are not only inviting a legal problem but also ignoring a capable manager with special expertise or experience that they could bring to the table.

At Rishabh BPO, we will not only guide you while devising your recruitment goals and objectives but also help you form strategies to retain and develop talent. We have a large pool of skilled candidates enabling us to get the right candidate for your needs. We act as a link between you and job seekers helping you infuse fresh blood at all levels of your organization at minimum possible cost. Call us at 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) or contact us here, to more about how to strategize your company’s recruitment goals and partner with a company for your hiring needs.

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