18 December 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Employee Onboarding Services That Can Help Streamline The Hiring Process

Employee onboarding services involve all those activities from the time a candidate accepts the job until the time he or she is familiarized with your organization and becomes a part of it. The goal of employee onboarding is to ensure the candidate is fully aware of your organization’s objectives, policies and environment, so that he or she has a smooth transition and experience.

Employee Onboarding Services

Does it help organizations?

It would be wrong to say that employee onboarding services only benefit the candidates. These services also help organizations as candidates can grasp business easily, making them a part of the team soon after joining. Onboarding programs are designed in such a way that your current employees as well as the newly joined members get a high level of support and understanding and can hit it off immediately.

Some eye-opening employee onboarding statistics

Employee onboarding has become a necessary part of the hiring process. Let’s have a look at some employee onboarding statistics. According to a survey conducted by Monster.com, it takes more than six months for new managers to reach their break-even point. This translates into a loss of time and resources.

What’s worse, more than 25% managers of Fortune 500 companies change jobs every year, 22% of executive and semi-executive employees leave a company within 45 days of joining while 46% of trainees leave jobs in 18 months.

If a company loses an employee within the first year, the cost to company is at least 3 times the salary. So how to stop all this? Employee onboarding proves to be a respite under such circumstances. Statistics show that 58% employees who go through a structured onboarding program are likely to stay for 3 years as compared to employees who don’t go through such programs.

Streamlining employee onboarding with the hiring process

Outsourcing firms that provide onboarding services can integrate the process with the existing system and eliminate duplicate work. For instance, all the paper work such as background screening, I-9 generation are done by the recruitment firm, which makes it viable to integrate the onboarding process.

The main benefit of employee onboarding outsourcing is having all the state specific forms, drug screening authorizations, company policy forms, etc. captured on one platform and made available to the organization easily.

The outsourcing partner can take care of your entire onboarding process through pre and post-communication and planning, payment preferences as well as regulatory compliance. Programs can be designed in such as way that it helps reduce the time to get employees at productive levels and help them reach their potential in a very short time.

Call us on 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) or contact us here to get more information on onboarding activities and how our HR outsourcing services could help your organization.

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