9 July 2013
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RPO Process Part 3: Challenges and Solutions

The RPO solutions that we talked about in our previous post generally begin with pre-determined objectives set by the enterprise. These solutions help resolve certain challenges and also improve efficiencies in dealing with these challenges.

In this article, we will discuss some of the common issues faced by companies and how recruitment process outsourcing can help meet them.

Recruitment challenges and solutions:

Challenge 1: Sourcing and recruiting, although two different things, are quite time consuming. It has been estimated that recruiters spend nearly 15 hours of their time in sourcing quality candidates with the required skill set.

Recruitment Challenges and Solutions

Solution: RPO firms can prove to be of great help where sourcing and recruiting is concerned. Such firms generally have a ready list of candidates that may suit best for the open position.

RPOs observe industry trends and are prepared with a ready pool of candidates , which is an added benefit of partnering with them.

Challenge 2: Bridging the skill gap has been a consistent challenge for enterprises. This is seen by the fact that only 17% of the employers are able to find candidates with the required skill set.

Solution: RPO services can help you recruit quality candidates that your hiring managers may fail to identify at times due to time constraints. RPO firms have the required experience to sift through piles of candidate profiles and filter out the ideal candidates required for the position.

An RPO team can also gather accurate data to forecast your future staffing requirements so you can start planning accordingly.

Challenge 3: High recruiting cost is one of the most commonly faced challenges by organizations. At times there are additional costs related to advertising of job vacancies that need to be curbed.

Solution: Recruitment costs are one of the major reasons why most organizations go to an RPO solution provider. RPO helps in lowering your recruitment costs as you avoid signing up for job boards, advertising etc.

An RPO firm can reduce these hiring costs to a great extent by streamlining your hiring processes. It also provides you with guidance on how to choose quality candidates in a better way and within a given budget.

There are many companies who experience such recruitment challenges. In order to effectively deal with such hiring challenges and gain more knowledge on RPO services, you can talk to our RPO experts at 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) or fill in the contact form.

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