2 April 2013
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5 things to do before choosing an RPO provider

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

RPO or Recruitment Process Outsourcing is an amazing solution to the exhausting and often, unyielding human resource management. Many companies struggle acquiring human resource before they outsource the recruitment process to RPO services provider. It is a brilliant solution but sometimes it doesn’t work as well as expected. There are many reasons for it, sometimes the execution is not planned properly, things are poorly managed and there is no measuring tool to gauge the efficiency of the RPO service provider. Also not all providers are equal; some may be really good at their jobs while some may be minting all the money while leaving you in the dark. Here are a few points for you to consider before choosing a RPO provider.

1. Chart out your Goals

Before you hire a RPO provider, ensure that you have a detailed objective plan clearly charted out. Make sure you discuss this plan with your RPO provider and hear what they have to say. Some problems may surface during that discussion – you may have set unrealistic goals, tried to offload all your problems instantly or may have thought of minimal internal support. This may lead to problems at both ends. Ensure you set realistic goals, don’t assume all your problems can be offloaded instantly and ensure full support from your end, be it providing data or support during the recruitment process.

2. Internal Support

If your in-house HR team is not in agreement with your decision to opt for the RPO provider, they may be reluctant in making things smooth for them. This is why, it is very essential that your HR executives are in full support with your decision and are aware of all the changes that are going to take place. This support is not only restricted to your HR team but also extends to other teams that will be directly or indirectly associated with the RPO provider. Remember, recruitment process outsourcing is eventually going to help everyone, but it is your duty to make everyone see it in that light.

3. List all Recruitment Needs

Recruitment process can be exhaustive even in small and medium organizations and when we are talking about recruitment process in large organizations, the problems escalate drastically. You may require different kinds of candidates for different positions, full time employees, part-time employees, work-from-home hires, consultants, trainees, volunteers, so on and so forth. You are also required to clearly define the job titles, scope of responsibilities, remuneration, exempt/non-exempt, location and the number of employees required for each position. Again, take help from all your teams and departments to understand what they need before finalizing the list.

4. Find the best RPO provider

There are hundreds of RPO providers, but to find the one that can give your company the best value, you need to interview them and find their experience in your vertical, the skills and tools they use and how they adhere to strict deadlines. Check out customer reviews or references if they have any, it always helps to talk to someone who has already worked with that company.

5. Communicate Effectively

Last but not the least, make sure you communicate all your needs to the recruitment outsourcing provider effectively. Don’t hold back on mentioning the current recruitment problems you are having or the cost that you would like to spend on recruitment. The more aware of your situation they will be, the better will be the results.

To learn about the RPO services provided by Rishabh BPO, contact us today.

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