1 March 2013
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3 Reasons Companies Should Opt for RPO

As the name indicates recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is the process of outsourcing the recruitment process to an external service provider. This step of outsourcing can be taken due to various factors such as lack of experience, lack of skills and tools.

What can be the reason for companies to opt for RPO?

Recruitment Quality: Recruitment as a labor-intensive process is further compounded by the fact that it is recurring. A company can have very high number of positions at a certain time of the year with varied experiences and skill-sets. The RPO service providers are capable and trained to do these hiring and have all the required processes in place, expertise, and an extensive database of resumes and the networking required.

Cost Reduction: The RPO service provider uses “economies of scale” leading to cost reduction significantly. The volume fluctuations in demand for resources is handled in a much easier way. For example when the demand in your company would be huge the service provider would allot 10 recruiters for your company where as when the demand is less he can allot 2 or 3 recruiters, this would ensure that you are not over charged. In case you hire these 10 recruiters you will have to either pay them even when the demand for resources is less or will have to resort to lay-off.

Speed: Hiring time is a very critical factor when recruiting as this process directly affects business performance. An RPO service provider finds it much easier to search and analyze their database and create a pool of resources ready to be interviewed. They would not take time to advertise for the specific job profile.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing starts from designing a job profile to listing the recruitment process and also improving orientation strategies once a resource is hired. It is not just limited to hiring a specific resource for a specific profile at any time. It is about developing a talent bank of candidates that can be made approachable for your company. RPO service providers also go that extra mile to provide the company with crucial advice and strategies on employee retention.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing has a compelling place in the market. RPO service providers are connected to the job seeker market and numerous companies. These are compelling reasons for companies to opt for Recruitment Process Outsourcing.

Interested in outsourcing your recruitment process? Get in touch with us now to learn how Rishabh BPO’s RPO team can help you with your needs. Contact us or call us on 1-877-RISHABH (1-877-747-4224) to explore various RPO options.

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