13 June 2013
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When Does a Temporary Staffing Solution Come Handy?

Temporary staffing services are gaining popularity among enterprises at a fast pace. However, there are still many companies that feel hesitant in opting for temporary staffing, thinking that it will not be advantageous for their business. Although it is true that temporary staffing can prove advantageous, it also depends on the current scenario of your […]

12 June 2013
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Which Is the Right Outsourcing Firm for Your Company?

Deciding to outsource to India or any country, is just the first step you take towards outsourcing your work successfully. But your work is not done here. You need to select the right outsourcing partner and then form a concrete and long-lasting relationship with them. So how do you make sure you have selected the […]

11 June 2013
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Reasons Why Your Staffing Solution May Fail

Organizations today have nearly 15-20% of their workforce working as temporary or contingent workers. This part of the workforce, especially after the recession, is becoming difficult for many organizations to manage. Some organizations also fail to understand the importance and advantages of contingent or temporary staffing, while some companies that have implemented a staffing solution […]

7 June 2013
Data Management
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Data Management for Improving Efficiency at Work

Enterprise data management has gone beyond the realm of managing data. It is needed for a variety of other purposes such as regulatory compliance, avoiding security threats and improving efficiency. In this article, we will discuss how data management can help organizations to save costs and improve efficiency. Improving Business Efficiency Large enterprises need to […]

4 June 2013
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6 Ways to Foolproof Outsourcing Recruitment

Recruitment is an important process for every enterprise, and it can be a great contributor to either the growth or fall of the company. Enterprises today, choose to approach staffing agencies for recruitment outsourcing in order to smoothen the process of recruitment. However, many end up with a failed RPO approach, while others benefit greatly. […]

30 May 2013
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8 Excellent Ideas to Ensure Outsourcing Success

BPO success factors depend on many things, some of which have direct influence while some have indirect effect on its success. In this post, we have summarized 8 basic rules to ensure your business process outsourcing venture is feasible and a success for both the parties involved. 1. Shift focus gradually Before a company decides […]

29 May 2013
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Permanent Staffing vs Temporary Staffing

Permanent staffing and temporary staffing both has their own pros and cons. After reading this article you’ll be able to decide what type of staffing is right for your organization. Staffing is a critical function for any enterprise and it requires a hefty investment of both time and money. In a recent study conducted by […]

28 May 2013
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Commonly Used Engagement Models For Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO), where an enterprise outsources parts or all of its recruitment services to an external staffing agency. Staffing firms provide a myriad of recruitment related services – starting with sourcing of candidates based on client requirements, screening, testing, coordinating interviews and all the way […]

23 May 2013
HR Outsourcing
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How Can Healthcare Firms Benefit by Outsourcing HR?

With the government making cuts in the healthcare budgets and healthcare becoming more and more expensive, it has become essential for healthcare firms to cut costs and save money. But the question is how? There are very few ways healthcare firms can save money – one of them is outsourcing HR. Let us find out […]

22 May 2013
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Existent Temporary Staffing Services Trend

The current trend of temporary staffing has now become the most sought after staffing services amongst various enterprises. The contingent staffing trend saw an all-time low during the global economic recession in 2008-2009. This trend slowly started witnessing a rise in the year 2010 and has since exceeded its historical heights. Contingent staffing experienced a […]