16 May 2013
Voice Based
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Voice Based Services vs Non Voice Based Services

It all started with BPOs that provided voice based services for their offshore clients. The purpose of hiring BPO was achieving cost efficiency and handling work flow during peak volume. The BPO industry has matured and grown since then. It has brought under its wings multiple different service offerings that help businesses worldwide. These range […]

15 May 2013
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IT Staffing Challenges: An Overview

Every IT company is ideally expected to have a well-organized IT department, which is prepared and ready to pursue the growing business demands. However, our constantly evolving economic environment affects IT companies, especially when it comes to staffing.. Discussed here are the five most commonly experienced challenges in terms of IT staffing. 1. Under staffing […]

14 May 2013
HR Outsourcing
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Human Resources Outsourcing – Is it a Risk or Opportunity?

Human Resources outsourcing or HR outsourcing seems to be a growing trend these days. Everyone is either thinking of engaging in HR outsourcing services or has already hired a company for their human resources management activities. All kinds of businesses, especially small to medium businesses (SMBs), have realized how tedious it is to manage payroll, […]

13 May 2013
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Outsourcing Challenges for the Year 2013

The economic uncertainties over the last two years have affected almost all businesses at home and away. The year 2013 seems to have its own set of challenges that businesses that outsource need to overcome. Let’s examine some of the outsourcing challenges for the year 2013. 1. New emerging competition A few years back almost […]

6 May 2013
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Staffing Strategies For Controlling Costs

Staffing is an important aspect for any organization or firm, as its growth and development is greatly linked to the companies overall health. If staffing is carried out improperly, you may experience several problems like increased costs, unsatisfied customers overall leading to a reduced bottom line. In order to deal with problems arising due to […]

22 April 2013
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5 Reasons Why Outsourcing Staffing Services is Good for your Company

So you are still undecided about outsourcing your staffing services. You have heard a good deal about recruitment process outsourcing firms and the odds seem to be in their favor but you need more reasons before you are fully convinced. Here are a few reasons that will convince you to outsource your staffing services. Get […]

17 April 2013
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Few Mistakes You Must Avoid When Opting For RPO

When it comes to recruitment process outsourcing, there are two schools of thought. One of them states that RPO services are a waste of money and serious mistake while the other states it is the best-outsourced service, offering great solutions for recruitment problems. When opting for RPO services, you need to make sure your project […]

11 April 2013
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2013 Survey For Recognizing Popular Recruitment Channels

Getting the right talent on board has always been a challenge for enterprises. The team that recruits plays a very vital role in shaping the organization. Overtime, the means of recruiting candidates has evolved and with the rise of social networks an entire new channel has developed. The other channels that have been used for […]

10 April 2013
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RPO For Small Businesses Vs. RPO For Large Enterprises

Recruitment process outsourcing is a great solution for hiring needs of companies but the solution isn’t necessarily same across all of them. As the type of industry and the size of organization changes, the recruitment outsourcing needs change as well. A large enterprise has bigger budgets and has some flexible time for hiring someone where […]

2 April 2013
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5 things to do before choosing an RPO provider

RPO or Recruitment Process Outsourcing is an amazing solution to the exhausting and often, unyielding human resource management. Many companies struggle acquiring human resource before they outsource the recruitment process to RPO services provider. It is a brilliant solution but sometimes it doesn’t work as well as expected. There are many reasons for it, sometimes […]